sexta-feira, 17 de outubro de 2008

Nas proximidades da data

Muito rápido se aproxima a véspera do dia de todos os santos... Dia das Bruxas! Em homenagem ao seu mês, vou postar a música que ouço agora! Halloween de Dave Matthews Band. Uma música explosiva e forte!!!!
Recomendo muito!!!


Hey little dreamer's eyes open and
Staring up at me
Oh, little lovely eyes, oh, and radiant

Wait until I come andI will steal you
Wait until I comeI'll take your soul
Wait until I come andI will steal you
Wait until I come andI will go

I’ve been dreaming in the night
Shadows on the windows
Lead, oh, and let me go
Love will lead me on tonight
I will lay you lying
I will not relinquish life

Oh, little dreamer eyes open and
Raving here
Wait until I comeI see him with you
Until I come, I'll leave me
Until I come, I do come, love...

We will leave it all behind
Oh, and then the nightmares
I'll fill them in good time, oh
They will seek your mind
And no lying, and you may, well, ask:
"Why do we run around here?
Oh, why does it come inside me
Oh, why does it rip me all between?"
Why then, why thenWatch this little fuck!

Going away, yeah...
Why this lonely, why this lonely
Why this lonely, love?
Why this lonely, why this lonely
Why this lonely, love?

Carry on
Bury all, bury all, bury all
Bury all, bury all
And let them see
But tell us
Are you satisfied with fucking?

Don't walk away, don't walk away
Don't walk away
I'm talking to you
Love it all, love is hell, love is hell
Love is I’ll take you
Love, love, love
Love is I’ll leave you
Love, love, love
Love is I’ll leave you

Ei! Onde você pensa que vai? Don't walk away! I'm talking to you!

Você esqueceu o vídeo da música!!!!

2 comentários:

Tuza disse...

pode deixar nós ainda assuatermos muitos mostrinhos por aí!!

gostei muito da música, eu vi a tradução e gostei muito!

Tuam disse...

Don't walk away, I'm talking to YOU!!
Since it's HALLOWEEN.
Since it's TONIGHT.